
"Nonono, don

There was no hope for their humans when they started teaming up.


"How long do I have to do this before you give me that pizza crust?"

"I beseech you, good sir, please throweth thine ball."

"Nooo, we don

"Ahem. Over here."



"Are you suuuure I

"Look, see, like dis!"

"Can we switch over to cartoons?"


"You don

"Um...little help?"

"Can I interest you in a trade?"

He does this when you turn your back to grab a treat.

"Cuddles. Right meow."

"My whole life, all I ever dreamed of was seeing the world from the front seat..."


"Oh, I thought you wanted to rub my belly? Well, as long as I

This happens every time she hears the sizzle of bacon.

"I thought I was your best friend. Best friends <em>share</em>."

"Just one fry? Just one!"

"Listen, Mr. Squeakers isn

"Stop! You can

"Guess I
